Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Viper the Vampire VS Talon the Dragon

There was once a mysteriously unique couple of vampires. Their names were Viper and Raven. One day Viper found out that his love (Raven) had been murdered. He became filled with the feeling of unending rage. It was three days before he got himself under control. He then decided to train and avenge the loss of his love. The killer was a dragon named Talon, Leader of the North Wind Dragon Clan. Viper trained for three years and the following new moon Viper challenged Talon to a duel of survival. Talon accepted the challenge but asked to first recall why he killed Raven. Talon gladly bragged that he killed the female vampire with one of his fireballs, while she was collecting dragon scales from the clan's lair (cave). Viper had the ability to control the elements around himand shield the dragons thoughts. But Talon was smart and knew this. He used a special breath weapon called the cone of weakness, which Viper had not suspected. Then the battle started with Talon lunging forward towards Viper. However Viper used his superspeed to outmaneuver Talon. Viper quickly pulled out his sword and began to use it. Each move swifter than the last. Talon was able to escape some of the blows. When Viper missed a blow, he adjusted for the next blow. After a while it became tiresome for the two of them. Viper began to use his gift of elemental control to try to freeze Talon's wings with ice. But Talon used his fire to keep them from freezing. However in using the fire Viper was able to burn Talon's wings and tail. Talon began to lose control of his emotions and began to lunge forward with every bit of strength that he could muster. Suddenly Talon used his breath weapon for a second time. This time it hit its mark like a tank. That is when the fight became interesting for it seemed like Talon gained the upper hand.

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